Art & Design

BA (Hons) in Animation & Interactive Media

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Athens, Thessaloniki
October 2024, February 2025
3 years
Full Time, Part Time


High School Certificate 


Animators are directors without actors, who use stop-motion, drawing by hand and digital computer made forms, to create an alternative reality. They are responsible for the script, lighting, directing and music, the development of a production plan, editing and post-production. In today’s times, the extensive use of computers and the rapid development of technology as well as design software, have offered moving image unlimited possibilities. In the dominion of visual communication and information, Animation plays an important role, broadening the spectrum of possible applications.

Year 1
Semester 1
Animation & New Technologies I - Traditional Animation Techniques I - Filmmaking I
Semester 2
Animation & New Technologies II - Traditional Animation Techniques II - Filmmaking II

Year 2
Semester 3
Animation & New Technologies ΙIΙ - Interactive Media I - Creative Animation I
Semester 4
Animation & New Technologies ΙV - Interactive Media II - Creative Animation II

Year 3 (Final year of the Bachelor Degree)
During this year you will have the opportunity to specialize on a specific field of your choise and combine all you have learned. In the first semester you will develop a written research study (Dissertation) of 8,000 words, on a topic of your choice from 3D Animation or from Multimedia Productions. You are to present it to your tutors and class and be assessed. At the same time you are to prepare a creative project (subject) as preparation for your Main project, through workshops arranged by the College. In the second semester you will work on your Main project on a topic of your choice, and present it. This should be accompanied by a document providing information on your research, showing your experimentation, explaining your creative selections and leading the examiner through the stages of your preparation to your final work. Your Main Project is a complex and original project, incorporating all the knowledge acquired during the programme. The Main project is presented to a tutor committee in the presence of an audience. 

For information regarding student fees please contact the Institute.
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